HYUNDAI is the first manufacturer to openly support debate over the Australian Government's proposed 'New Vehicle Efficiency Standard', saying it presents an 'intriguing challenge'.
“We see this as an intriguing challenge,” said Hyundai Australia Chief Operating Officer, John Kett, “and we look forward to responding to the Government’s call for feedback.
“We think we will soon have a world-class Efficiency Standard in Australia and we’re excited by that.
“With the Standard in place, Hyundai dealers will still have great vehicles to sell, customers will have great vehicles to drive, and we will be doing our bit to reduce emissions in line with Australia’s commitment to decarbonise,” said Mr Kett.
“We only have five years to catch up to other advanced markets which have had efficiency standards in place for decades, and that’s a challenge.
"We see merit in the Government’s preferred Option B, and with some minor aspects of Option A introduced to it, we can hit the proposed target and bring accessible, affordable and efficient vehicles to the market.”
Hyundai’s vision for the rapid development of sustainable transport technologies aligns with the ambition of the Australian Government’s proposed NVES policy.
“The Government has been confronted with many competing voices and opinions throughout this process, and treading a workable path through all the noise will not be easy,” said John Kett.
“A world-class Standard demands world-class thinking around the commercial pressures and infrastructure challenges we jointly face.
“We applaud the ambition of the policy, and certainly with the input of all the major stakeholders who have a role to play in its development, we’re confident that the Government will get the NVES right for all Australian new car buyers.”